Zen Ki YogA™ - Created by Janie Lamour
Zen Ki Yoga™ for Period Pain & Women's Health
Zen Ki Yoga™ has an amazing ability to heal very specific health issues. There are very simple solutions to some of western medicine's most puzzling diseases because it's all about moving the energy deep within the body, blood quality and getting blood to flow in the right places. With this particular practice, you will achieve more blood and energy flow through your pelvis. This will assist you in relieving back pain AND period pain. If you experience period pain, you will feel a difference within the first month/cycle and you should become pain free by 6 months. |
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Some notes about Meridians:
Meridians are energy pathways that run throughout the body that connect with an organ of the body. It's important to note that even though a meridian is naed after its organ, the meridian influences far more body, mind, spirit and emotional factors in us that the work of the organ as known in western medecine. For example, the bladder meridian not only deals with the function and strength of the bladder, but it deals with our nervous system, our sex drive, our ability to orgasm and the health of our spine. Emotionally and psychologically, it relates to fear, confidence, motivation, will, drive, inspiration, our sense of self, and much more.