For the next 6 weeks, you are going to be on a JOURNEY OF TRANSFORMATION as you begin to incorporate NEW LIFESTYLE CHOICES TO LAST A LIFETIME!
First, be ready to spend some time, energy and effort to make some NEW healthy lifestyle choices. Because this program is tailored to progress according to each person's specific needs and schedule, it will NOT be more than you can handle. However, it will require that you dedicate some time to reading some information, choosing new recipes to try, grocery shopping lists, some stretching/exercise, reporting in, etc.
Your First Assignment: Please fill out this Questionnaire! This will allow me to learn more about how I may best support you, as well as allowing YOU to take a clear and honest look at where you are today, and where you wish to go!
Optional Private Facebook Community: Watch your inbox for an invitation to join our private Facebook community. The only people who will be able to view what is shared, are the women whom are in this Coaching Program. I will be posting a number of resources here, and this is also a great place for community, support and accountability. Once you receive your invitation, jump in and introduce yourself!
Schedule Your Initial 30-Minute Consultation Call! Click Here to schedule. Please have your Questionnaire filled out at least 6 hours before our scheduled time to meet.
Join us for this Sunday's 20-Minute Coaching Call! Every Sunday at 5:30pm PST, we will have a brief call to check-in. (Could even be LESS than 20 minutes!) Dial-in Number is (857) 232-0158. Conference Code: 851330.
Ongoing Communication: For all check-ins, reports, questions and other communications with me, please always go to to send/leave a message.
Please fill out the form below: By doing do, you will receive some automatic emails that will provide you with additional resources and also keep you on track with your journey of growth and transformation!